What Is A Project

Project Management
Project Management concerns a project and that is what it revolved around. The most important question that comes into mind is what exactly a project is and what it entails and what are some of its most significant features and characteristics.
When it comes to projects, the first and foremost aspect to remember is that these are not ongoing operations or a project is not an ongoing work. Rather, it is temporary, has a particular start and end date. In contrast to ongoing work, which may be monotonous or similar in nature, projects are unique in nature.
The fact that they begin and end at a defined time makes them temporary. Considering they have a start and end date, they are well planned and there are various techniques employed for the scheduling of the tasks that are part of a project.
There are many of these techniques that are part of Project Management Software. Before making the project plan, for each project the objectives are defined and its scope is determined. So, in case of a project, when the time for its completion arrives, it is made sure that the objectives specified in the beginning are achieved by the time of the completion.
For every project, there are some stakeholders who are directly affected by the success of the project. So, in a project, it is a requirement that in order for the project to be successful, it is essential that the requirements of the project should be achieved at the end.
Considering that a project has a limited time frame, it is important that there should be a way in which it can be determined that the project has come to an end. One of the defining characteristics of a project is the establishment of the objectives for the project.
Another characteristic of a project is that there are people working on it. There is no specific number for these people, but they ought to be more than one. Considering the temporary nature of a project, the various tasks that are parts of the project are assigned to different people who are part of the project team. The assignment of these tasks takes place with respect to the criticality and priority level of these tasks.
In order to determine these, Critical Path Method and CPM Scheduling are the techniques that are employed other than techniques like Gantt Charts. In order to create these schedules, CPM Software and CPM Scheduling Software are used. After the scheduling of the tasks is complete, the assignment of the tasks is done according to the priorities of tasks and skills of the team members. This assignment of the tasks is temporary, which is in sync with the temporary nature of the project itself.
Project Examples
Some of the simplest examples of projects include construction projects, that are temporary in nature, have start and end dates and resources and budget allocated to them. Other than that, production and development of technological products and other kinds of products is also a project. Similarly, creation of a website is another example of a project.
Other Resources
You may also find interest in the topic of Gantt Charts, as they are used to display a projects path graphically.
An excellent source of all things Project Management would be the non-profit organization Project Management Institute